REAL LIFE SAGA: Trapped In A Swaying Gondola - My Terrifying Adventure

My ride - once the longest single-span aerial tramway in the world.

It was a hot, balmy afternoon in American Samoa many years ago. I had just finished speaking to a security guard.

He was sitting against the side of a building in the shade. As he answered my question, his eyes flickered, head dropped a little, and in mid- sentence, he fell asleep!


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STRATEGY: The Top 6 Posts That Lottery Winners Read Most

Adrian and Gillian Bayford won £148 million (US$235 million) in the UK Euromillions, putting them 516th on the Sunday Times Rich List. Photo.

There's more to winning than just putting a few tickets into a draw.

That's why the serious players search for more information to help them speed up their win rate.

One of the best ways is to join the Lotto-80 Membership.

I've just finished the predictions for this week, and you can also see a free selection today.

I put them at the bottom of this post, so take a look.

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EMAIL SECRET: Open Here For Secret Lottery Offer!

Yesterday I sent out a great offer to readers on my email list. The offer was strictly for newsletter subscribers and can't be found on my websites.

But if you're not a LOTTO-DAILY subscriber and want to see the offer before it expires, here's what to do...

Go to the top of the right-hand column to the little block where it says "CLICK HERE, Free Daily Lottery Tips."

Subscribe with your main email address. For a limited time I've included that offer with your first email from me.

That's all. Don't delay!

WINNING NUMBERS: 10 Year-Old Girl Instantly Recognizes My Healthy Breakfast

My breakfast cereal was instantly recognized by our granddaughter.

Our granddaughter was staying with us for a couple of days. This morning we were eating breakfast.

Now, like many kids of her generation, she has acquired tastes. And it's not like ours.

So, as she was eating her special sugarpuff cereal, she looked over and saw my bowl.

"Healthy!" she said with a smile as she scooped her sugar-laden flakes up.

How did she know? What was it about my breakfast that caused her to say that?

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LOTTOSHACKS: Vidal Sassoon's LA Singleton House Goes For $16.5 Million

More Photos - Real Estalker 

Francois Pinault (pictured), owner of fashion brands Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen and more, bought this modest 1995 home recently. He paid $10 million more than hairdresser Vidal Sasson originally bought it for in 2004.

PRICE: $16,500,000
LOCATION: Los Angeles, USA.
COUNTIN': 4 beds, 5 baths, 6,400 sq ft, 5.23 acres
SELLER: Sassoon estate
GAME TO WIN: California SuperLotto Plus

LOTTOSHACKS: Bernie Ecclestone's Girl Sells Big In London

More photos: Real Estalker 

This is what you could buy with this week's Euromillions. But you'd have to hit two winning jackpots - unlikely without the Silver Lotto System!

PRICE: £19,750,000 (US $32,100,000)
LOCATION: Chelsea, London, UK.
COUNTIN': 7 beds, 7 baths, 6,245 sq ft
SELLER: Tamara Ecclestone, racing heiress
GAME TO WIN: Euromillions - $12M (x2)