Behind the scenes of real life big jackpot lottery millionaire winners as they go about their day

hidden secrets of giant jackpot lottery millionaire winners revealed
It’s not often that you get a peek at the daily lives of American lottery winners. The documentary in this story goes behind the scenes of some very wealthy winners   Photo: YouTube

In the United States, there are almost 80 billion lottery tickets and scratch-off cards sold every year.

And overnight the winners of the many lotteries and draws all over the country find themselves in charge of a huge fortune.

Dave (right), a $62 million winner, visits his coffe shop regularly each morning to meet up with his longtime friends   Photo: YouTube

Many succeed in managing their enormous riches, but some fall prey to overspending, bad habits and fake friends.

Jack from New York won $1,000 a day for life, and spends his time playing golf   Photo: YouTube

It needn’t be that way of course, and careful financial management isn’t an impossible dream.

Knowing the risks in advance from videos like this one means you will not end up broke in 3-5 years as others do, simply because you are prepared.

David and Erica won US$62 million and instantly became the richest people in their county in a matter of seconds.

Watch as this video documentary reveals the personal lives of American lottery winners, both the good and the bad   Photo: YouTube

As self-proclaimed ‘redneck millionaires’, they were determined not to let their newfound wealth cut them off from reality.

But others have taken the opposite approach. When 51-year-old nurse, Jack, won the lottery, he immediately quit his job and began spending frivolously.

Watch as these and other winner’s lives unfold and learn how they coped with their newly found wealth.