How to win contests, sweepstakes and the lottery with one simple tactic
/Grant Cardone is well known for accelerating results with his 10X Rule.
I once won a sweepstake. At the tender age of 9, I collected a large number of tickets where the prize was a flight in an amphibian aircraft off a local beach.
I asked people around me on the beach for their tickets... I pleaded, I cajoled. I desperately WANTED that flight that was going in less than an hour.
When I won, sitting in the co-pilot's seat as the pilot called out "a shower of spray and we're away!" I realized then the sheer power of numbers.
A sweepstake can be a contest run by retailers or other groups with a large selection of prizes. To enter, all you do is fill a form, or send in a caption, a slogan, or like me on the beach - collect coupons.

You can find many sites like and offering chances to win prizes.
Want to win more sweepstakes? The answer is as simple as the same tactic that gets you more lottery prizes.
Winnin more is as simple as doing this one easy task, according to this Business Insider article:
"In order to win a lot of sweepstakes, you need to enter a lot of sweepstakes. There isn't much else you can do that will have an impact on how many items you win."

Reader's Digest is well known for its long-running sweepstakes.
This is exactly how my System works too of course. To win more, you simply have to:
Play more lottery games
Play more frequently
Play more tickets
Almost anything you do in the lottery and your life can be improved by doing more.
If you can find a way to increase everything you do, you'll be a winner earlier.
One of my favorite books is The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. This guy thrives on massive action and has seen his sales and motivational business rocket when he applies his system.
It’s Massive Action that is the key here. Don't forget it.
NOW WATCH: The 10X Rule explained