Can you claim a prize if you have lost your lottery ticket or it is already claimed by someone else?

Can you claim a prize if you have lost your lottery ticket or it is already claimed by someone else?

Martyn and Kay Tott lost their ticket and their fortune. PHOTO: Daily Mail

It can happen to anyone. The ticket was in your wallet just yesterday, then got thrown out in in the trash.

This happened to a young British couple who missed out on a £3 million (US$4.1M) lottery fortune after losing their ticket. So they took their case to court.

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I discovered 6 things that winning lottery players do that you should copy today

I discovered 6 things that winning lottery players do that you should copy today

Over the years I've seen a number of patterns with our winners. After all, looking for patterns is my business - it's how lottery prizes are won. So I followed a number of emails from Silverites (buyers of my System) who asked questions about playing, and also emails from our winners. 

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3 ways to stay forever rich from winning the lottery and why it's important

3 ways to stay forever rich from winning the lottery and why it's important

How do we keep the lottery cake - like these enormous Powerball wins - and eat it too?

Now you've won some lottery money, how do you keep it forever to enjoy? How do we continue to keep the cash rolling in to pay for all the nice things in life? And how do we do it without eating into the lump sum we now have tucked away in the bank?

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