Devastated couple lose £35 million: here's what you absolutely must check when buying lottery tickets online

Edwina Nylan, 60, and her husband David missed out on a £35 million lottery win after discovering their ticket wasn't registered.

It's a mindful reminder when you're buying lottery tickets online... check your bank balance first.

A couple has missed out on a £35 million (US$51.6M) lottery win after discovering their online purchase wasn't registered.

Edwina and David Nylan, 60, thought they would be seeing in the New Year as millionaires when they chose all six winning numbers using the UK National Lottery mobile app.

The UK National Lottery mobile app.

But when they called to claim their jackpot prize Camelot told them they had no record of the transaction, reported the Daily Mail.

Edwina, 55, said: “I am gutted, but what can we do? We have played for years, and had our online account for some time, so it is not as if we didn't know what we were doing.”

“I have just had to carry on with things and not get too down”

“Shocked isn't the word, but as a family we stick together and just have to be grateful for what we've got.”

When Edwina, a grandmother-of-seven, first tried to purchase her £2 ticket online for the Lotto draw on Wednesday, December 23, her account showed she had insufficient funds with only 60p remaining.

However, she topped-up her account and bought a ticket with the numbers 01 - 02 - 04 - 19 - 28 - 41.

The grandmother says the app then confirmed her purchase had gone through despite Camelot saying there was no record of the payment.

Edwina said: “David has an app on his phone which he uses to generate random numbers.”

“We scribbled them down, and they are stored on his phone.”

“When the numbers came up, it looked like we had got all six and had won the jackpot but when I checked, there was nothing from Camelot.”

“I rang customer services at Camelot and the person I spoke to said they could see from their records that we had intended to buy those numbers but they said the purchase did not go through because we only had 60p in our account.”

READ MORE: Daily Mail