10 compelling reasons why you need to go out and buy a lottery ticket right now


You need to buy a lottery ticket right now. Because someone else will beat you to it if you don’t!

But I’m sure you want a better answer that, so here’s 10 compelling reasons why you should play this week:

1. Because you could do so much good. Now you don't have to guiltily flip past the photos of starving children... you can make a difference with a stroke of a pen. Your small check could help a distant village in food and water for years as the photo above shows.

2. Because you didn't win the last game. And the experience still sucks. All those dreams you had for a new life - gone. That makes it doubly important to be in the next game.

3. Because frequent play makes frequent winners. The more you play, the more you win. Statisticians know this, now so do you.

4. Because someone else will win the jackpot and you'll always regret it. You had the numbers, but you didn't play. And worse, someone else won YOUR jackpot, as it did for Lester:

 ...alas I let that fateful night go by when I did not buy and the prize pool meant that I would have won $1Million as my first line of numbers came up. 

Lester R. 

5. Because that big purchase is always just out of reach. My next big buy is adding a vintage Aston Martin DB5 to start my collection. The cheapest is now around $1 million, so I'm going to need a major prize or a jackpot to get there. Some things are just impossible to buy without years of saving - you need a big win.

6. Because you need a fun goal. Just getting through the week without drama is what most people hope for. But there's more to life than that. Imagine if you took your family to the mall tomorrow - in France! What a difference it would make to your life today.

7. Because you need to kick your old life into touch. Let's face it, a life of washing dirty dishes and putting out the garbage, feeding your family junk or wondering about retirement is not really a life. Do the Everest base camp climb like my niece did a month ago. Swim with the dolphins. Fly that MIG fighter. Dine with a movie star with your table donation. Take your family to Disneyland, in Paris. Anything is possible in your new life with a lottery ticket.

8. Because you want to feel really secure for the first time. Remember the feeling you had in the store when your card was turned down? Or you didn't get that job? Or, like me many years ago, you could only fill your car with $20 of gas? I’ve never forgotten it, so make sure you'll NEVER be in this position either. It's worth the effort to pay and play.

9. Because you can now afford stuff AND experiences. Everyone says that the key to a fulfilled life is the experiences you'll always remember... the travel, the meetings, the memories. But I prefer acquiring stuff... for the hunting and gathering as well as the using. Now, with enough funds, you can have both - the best of both worlds.

10. Because a winning lottery ticket is the cheapest way to get rich, ever. Nothing comes close. A guy on one of the forums I visit has bought a luxury car with with some Apple stock. Only took him 10 years and a bunch of investment money! That's a long time and a heap of cash to find.

Nothing beats the lottery for instant wealth.

Do it now!