WINNING: Continuing Proof Of My System's Power To Win Multiple Times

Here's my winning tickets from today's Big Wednesday game, fresh from the lottery store checkout. I laid them out on the top of my printer to take this photo.

You'll recognize my Bentley watch as the proof of identity (hey, lot of doubters out there!). The tickets on the right are Bonus Tickets.

And as you've seen before, I get results like this almost every game I play.

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STORY: The Green Traffic Light Urban Myth: Did We Bust It Or Not!

When you hear an implausible story these days, you're likely to call it an urban myth.

Like children being kidnapped at Disneyland. Or giant albino alligators in New York City's underground sewers. Or kidney thieves. Just doesn't happen.

Back in my teenage years, I heard of another kind of myth from a friend which seemed worth exploring.

He revealed a strange secret in my hometown of Auckland, our biggest city, on the main shopping road known as Queen Street...

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