Forget About Telling The Time - The Lottery App For The Apple Watch Is Cooler

Looking at your watch during a meal is acceptable when it's saying you've won $10 million.

This is why you'll buy the Apple Watch... the world's first lottery application for the new Apple Watch sends immediate alerts about your prizes, winning numbers and upcoming draws.

The new app also lets users buy lottery tickets from their Apple Watch.

Mike Veverka, Founder and CEO of Jumbo Interactive Limited, said, "There are things you want to be told about immediately and winning the lottery is certainly one of them."

Mike Veverka, Founder and CEO of Jumbo Interactive which produces the new app.

He says the Apple watch paves the way to a new era in wearable technology and "we are excited to leverage this personalized platform to bring Jumbo's lottery experience to new heights."

The Apple Watch lottery app is available through the Apple app store.

The Jumbo lottery app will be available through the Apple app store after the Apple Watch starts shipping in April 2015.

Watch the Finance News video for background on the watch app and company by founder Mike Veverka.

1. Get the System with LottoPredict
2. Add PRO Custom Profiles