Wife's Lottery Win Started As A Prank. Or Was It For Real?

Another similar prank turned out to be a real benefit for this homeless man.

A Marietta, Columbia woman told her husband she won the lottery. Then informed him she was only kidding.

"He jokes with me all the time, saying he won big playing Powerball," she explained.

But she really did win $100,000 last Friday in the South Carolina Lottery.

"I'd started washing dishes to impress her before she got home," her husband said, but quit when she called back to say none of it was true.

The prank was up when she showed him the winning ticket.

"I about had a heart attack," he said.

The couple spent an anxious few days watching over the winning ticket until they could cash it in.

"I kept checking the burners on the stove were off, scared the house would burn down with the ticket in it," the husband said.

South Carolina Lottery Claims Center.

The couple collected their winnings this week at the lottery office in Columbia. They said their money worries are over and their already spoiled grandkids "are about to get spoiled rotten."