How A 30 Year-Old Expert Got Blocked At The Door (But Came Back To Try Again!)

When will computers work as well as my PRO Profiles do? (Photo still from "Little Britain")

A long time ago - before I invented the Silver Lotto System - I was in between jobs.

I approached a temp agency and was put on their books as an expert user of PageMaker, PhotoShop and FreeHand.

And I really was an expert in all of these... a power user in application and design.

I did the work in a third the time of anyone else, and I was precise and accurate.

One day the agency rang and asked if I could stand in for someone sick.

And oh, did I know the latest version of FreeHand? I said yes... expecting it to be just a small change in some of the commands.

But it was COMPLETELY different.

It was as if an alien came into the software studio and turned everything upside down, then used zombies to rewire the old FreeHand program.

In other words, it was a completely new program and gibberish to me. Shamefacedly I made my apologies, and I had to withdraw from that job.

I was that 30 year-old, and I got blocked at my own skillset door.


Computers are like that. No sooner do you make the learning effort to stay current, than they change everything. And you have to take courses and training days to learn it.

One day computers will work properly. You'll sit down in front of them, and they will turn on, recognise you and you'll need NO passwords at all... even without an Apple Watch 2.

Instead of software programs, you'll just tell it to DO something.

No steps, no popup boxes asking if you REALLY want to open, close, or go on holiday.

Want a website? You'll say: "Design me a website like the one I saw yesterday, and make it suit 20-30 year-old readers."

Everything like SEO, keywords and all the obtuse stuff will be automatically included.

You WON'T have to go and sign it up with Google or Yahoo or ping it -that will be automatic.

You WON'T have to worry about viruses, it will be self healing and self fixing.


So when I developed my PRO Custom Profiles I wanted the same ease of use.

And I succeeded. All you do is follow a couple of lines of instructions, fill in the tickets and you're done.

All the hard work and brain scratching has been taken care of.

But all that would be useless unless the PRO Profiles really worked. And they do.

They bring me prizes in almost every lottery game I play. And other players have won hundreds of thousands of dollars using PRO.

If you're frustrated at trying to make things work, buy your PRO Profiles and get your lotto life back again!