We celebrate you hitting 500,000 Sweepstakes Rewards Points!


Today we are celebrating a new milestone. Because in just over 3 weeks our Rewards Program members have managed to earn a grand total of 500,000 Rewards Points!

The half-a-million Points is an amazing total because the Rewards Program only started on December 28 last year.

We knew Christmas was probably the least likely time of the year to start any new project, but the Program has quickly grown to be amazingly popular.

There are three Leaderboards in the Program, and from them you can see the top Rewards Points earners at any time:



The Daily Top 10 board in the sidebar of several Lotto Life pages lists members with the most Points at any updated time.

I make these updates at random each day. So one update could be half an hour after an earlier update, or it could be 6 hours later.

Often the updates are quite frequent - especially when top Leaderboarders are slogging it out, as Hilton A, Ronald R and Stephen P are doing here. It's interesting to watch their progress!.


The second board (left, below) is featured on the Leaderboard webpage and shows the Top 10 leaders expanded to the Top 30 Daily Points earners.



Then there's the Total Points Overall board (above right). This is the totals of all Points since the Rewards Program started, and shows the top 30 member placings. You can see that the top earner has over 140,000 Points here!

All Leaderboards show the updated time at the top, which keeps everyone guessing - what will happen next!


In 3 day's time I will be awarding a Prize to the Top Overall Leaderboarder for total points earned since the Rewards Program started. Then after that, the contest changes to a weekly Prize for the Top Points Earners.

There's always something happening!  What's in the future for the Leaderboards? I’m planning several ways to reward top earners, so come back to this Sweepstakes Blog every day to catch up with new features!