Answers to 2 questions you may want to know about Rewards Points


Q: Can I buy eVouchers to get extra entries into your Free Daily Draw?

A: No, sorry. Gaming rules mean you can't buy extra entries to our Free Draw Sweepstakes.  That's because strict gaming regulations say that if you pay to enter a Sweepstakes it is then classified as a contest, which has different legal requirements.

But the easy answer to earn more Rewards eVouchers is to get more active and start clicking on the Lotto Life website. Every click means 10 Points, and it won't take long before you're adding up those Vouchers!


Q: My Leaderboard Points aren’t the same number as those showing on my Red Widget.

A: It’s all about the timing! We calculate your Leaderboard Points for the previous day. Your Widget Points may be showing today’s value instead.

But don't worry, everyone is in the same position. All that matters is that you click, click, click on the Lotto Life website and grow those Points!