Luckiest deadly plane crash survivor won a $1 million lottery jackpot one week later

You know how it goes... after a lucky escape most people make their way to the nearest lottery store to capitalise on their fortune. It proved true for Mohammad Basheer Abdul Khada, 62, who won $1 million in the Mega Millions game 1 week after an Emirates plane crash in Dubai in 2016. Lucky escape - lucky winner!

It only took a shocking 7 seconds for Canadian man to miss out on a $27 million lottery jackpot

This story is a reminder to everyone buying lottery tickets. Don’t leave it too late! If you’re the kind of person who’s rushed for time, put buying lottery tickets first on your list when you’re shopping.

Otherwise you could share the fate of Montreal man Joel Ifergan who missed out on $27 million.

READ MORE: It Only Took 7 Seconds In This Lottery Game To Lose The $27 Million Jackpot