Would you mail a $1 million winning lottery ticket in the post? This man did
/Randy Branum celebrates with his check and wife Colleen at the Conoco gas station. PHOTO: KREM
When a Sandpoint man mailed off his Idaho Lottery Powerball tickets in the post, he expected to get a $7 win back.
But it turned out that one ticket was worth $1 million. And he had relied on the US Postal Service for a failsafe delivery - which luckily came through for him.

Colleen Branum has been married to Randy for 47 years.
Mailing in tickets is common with the Idaho Lottery, but the organisation say they never had a ticket this large.
The long-time Sandpoint resident claimed the $1,000,000 winning Powerball ticket from the September 23, 2015 draw via the US mail.

Randy Branum bought his winning ticket here at the Waterfront Express Conoco in Sandpoint.
He received his actual winning check along with the large oversized souvenir check from the Idaho Lottery during a press event on 12 November.
It was held at the Waterfront Express Conoco in Sandpoint where he purchased his ticket.

When the package arrived at the Idaho Lottery, the tickets were verified for winners by Idaho Lottery Security.
That’s when they discovered the $1,000,000 winning ticket from back in September signed by Branum. The Idaho Lottery immediately contacted Branum.

Christmas came early for the Branums from the look of unidentified Santa's helper.
“When they called, I thought I’d maybe won the Bronco Bowl Bash, the trip to see Boise State’s Bowl Game this year,” said Branum of the initial call from Idaho Lottery Security.
“Instead they told me I’d won $1,000,000. I couldn’t talk.”
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