What's the lottery jackpot amount that will get YOU out of bed to play?


International model Linda Evangelista (left) once famously said she wouldn't get out of bed for less than $10,000.

In lottery circles, it's also well known that many lottery players won't get out of bed to play a $10 million jackpot. Nowadays it has to be much more, and lottery officials are calling the condition 'jackpot fatigue.'

So what is driving this trend?

What level of prize gets you buying? A multi-million Powerball? Or much less...

Tom Romero (right), the former CEO of the New Mexico Lottery and chairman of the Powerball Group, says big jackpots are a growing trend.

"Many years ago, $100 million was really exciting and people would immediately buy more, occasional players would start buying," he said.

"Then the threshold was $200 million. Now, we see here in New Mexico, we're approaching the $300 million mark."

It's been called jackpot fatigue, where the smaller prizes just don't get the same response as they used to.

"We certainly do see what we call jackpot fatigue," said Chuck Strutt, executive director of the Multi-State Lottery Association.

"I've been around a long time, and remember when a $10 million jackpot in Illinois brought long lines and people from surrounding states to play that game."

So what causes it? Greed? A simple case of more is better?

George Loewenstein, who teaches at Carnegie Mellon University, said people judge things in relative terms.

"We compare things," he said. "If there are a lot of jackpots, even though they're all enormous numbers, people are going to start comparing them and if there are billion-dollar jackpots, then 100 million jackpots that used to feel enormous are going to seem much smaller."

Felipe Piña claimed a $62.8 million Powerball jackpot in May 2007 and frequently buys lottery tickets at the same rural convenience store where he won.

Felipe Pina has got a ritual of buying lottery tickets at the same store. He's not worried by what others see as a small jackpot.

"I go small," the former mechanic said. "Can you imagine $40 million? And people just go (only) when they hit $100 or $200 million."

Silver Lotto System players know differently. They play regularly no matter what prize amount because the secret is playing frequently.

It's purely a numbers game - the more you play, the more you get paid.