What you should do each day to manipulate the lottery in your favor


These New York Lotto winners took away $41 million. This kind of prize is available to everyone, but only a few will succeed.

How do you get to be the best in your field? I can tell you this... it's exactly the same way you win the lottery. Many of the people I know or read about do it this way too.

In fact, it's rare that success can be obtained with work, business or the lottery without it.

I'm talking about persistence of course. But also something else that's equally as important.

Rekindling the passion.

Very few people can spend their lives getting to the top without constantly renewing their enthusiasm.

It explains why big lottery winners are able to last the distance and finally grab the massive jackpot they dreamed of for years.

Because these people all re-motivate themselves daily.

And because of their renewed passion, they are able to beat the rest of the crowd who give up too early.

Here's an example.

I'm VERY persistent. But like many people I'm quite normal too. I have days where I don't feel like continuing. Not many, but some.

So on those off-peak days I do this:

  • I write a positive article like this one. Even though I don't feel like doing it... the sun is beckoning and I'd rather be driving around the bays... I knuckle down regardless.

  • To start writing when I don't feel like it, I just start. Sometimes the words don't come right for a sentence or two, and maybe I don't have a strong theme at the beginning. But starting always beats sitting and wondering, and it always works.

If you are a lottery player, you can do the same things. Just start by thinking of all the successes.

  • Want to start playing my System but can't be bothered spending 30 minutes transferring the figures? Think of our $22 million jackpot winner. Would he be counting his vast sums and enjoying his wealth now if he had put that task on the back burner?

  • Then just start. Set out your tickets, line up your Profile sheet and just do the first line. Within seconds it will be finished and you'll be completing the second one. As you see the results start to fill out, you'll get interested and it will soon be finished.

Keeping your passion high is an ultra important daily task. I do this by reading and looking for ways that others have succeeded. There's nothing more interesting than seeing the results of a person with passion who has succeeded beyond the boundaries we all put on ourselves.

Read about anyone in the news who has succeeded and there's a goldmine of information to get you enthused again. 

Apply this principle of passion and renewal to playing the lottery.

Instead of getting depressed about the weather, or why you only got $100 from your last lottery win, find someone who has succeeded mightily - and transfer some enthusiasm from them to you.

These testimonials are a great start.