This weird sound in a Tom Cruise movie always makes me grin
/How a Tom Cruise movie and a determined $13 million lottery winner can help you win more.
There are triggers that will help you win lottery prizes all around us. Here’s a way you can use a trigger to help you win faster.
I love sci-fi movies. It's great seeing what the future may hold from the minds of some very gifted writers and visionaries.
And one of the films I enjoyed again recently was Oblivion, starring Tom Cruise, and the large ball-shaped drones that played a big part in the plot.
Tom's character was a repairman who serviced them from inside an above-the-cloud home on a giant pole.

But the intriguing thing about the drones was the noise they made in active mode.
A gentle, soothing beep-beep every 5 seconds.
A while back I watched this movie for the second time.

As I paused it for a break and went into our pantry, I heard the drone sound, just once and far away.
I looked around - the film was still on pause.
What's going on?
Then, I discovered as I closed the door, our Mitsubishi fridge (in the photo) had imitated the gentle drone sound, very quietly.
And now I've heard it every time I close the fridge door.
It immediately brings me back to the movie scene with instant recall, and I smile every time I hear it.
What I experienced is known as a trigger.
Every time I look up and see puffy white clouds in a blue sky, it immediately brings back the opening credits from "the Simpsons" cartoon series.
That's what triggers can do to you.
Have you tamed your triggers to work for you as you play the lottery? You should try and get some positive triggers that help you get through the times when your win wasn’t what you expected.
For example, when you didn't get the jackpot last game, instead of getting depressed about it, find something positive to celebrate.
A good way is to read about other winner's success from this blog.
Some stories are truly motivating.
For example, read this one about a winner who spent 9 years playing almost daily, then finally winning $13 million:
Dedicated Restaurant Owner Spent A Crazy $600,000 On Lottery Tickets...
How can someone play so determinedly all those years?
What traits did they have to keep them going year after year? That's inspiring, for sure. Use those kinds of triggers to spark you joy for playing. It’ll help a lot.