The robots are coming and winning the lottery is the answer to a home life of ease
/Rosie, the long-awaited robot of fiction is the Jetsons family home helper, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the family.
Thought for today: Somewhere out there in a darkened research laboratory, a group of wild haired scientists are bent over a gleaming array of mechanical bits and pieces. In a few short months, or maybe years, the perfect robot home helpers will appear.
They will probably cost around $100,000 to start with. If you don't have that kind of money, you'll have to do the housework by hand.
In another room on the other side of the continent, more research scientists are beavering over the latest cancer cure... nanobots that swim through your bloodstream gathering up all the bad cells and getting rid of them.
It's likely to take another few years, and cost maybe the same amount... $100,000. But it will cure you of cancer.
Unless you have the funds for these kinds of life advancement, you're going to live out your life like everybody else.
But the potential for a long and healthy life is just within reach for most of us.
This is why it is absolutely essential that you do everything you can in order to do to win the lottery. For most people it's the only way to get enough money to change their lives.
Money changes everything, and this is why you need to have every advantage to play efficiently and win faster and more often. You don't always have to win the jackpot... sometimes many of the hundreds of thousands of minor prizes added together will be enough.
But you need to start straight away - the best time is now. Power up your lottery game to its highest level, and start playing for keeps.