The one thing that winning the lottery can buy that's better than happiness and 4 ways to use it
/Lottery money can buy enough butlers to walk out of the sea from a cruise ship to serve you. Maybe.
When you win a large sum of money, your main thought is what you can buy with it. That is usually homes, trips, cars, and all the rest of the predictable possessions of the rich.
But there's something else just as appealing that money buys perfectly, and it's something that many people overlook: Solutions.
You have a problem? There's not much that can't be solved with a dab of money. Even happiness can be bought, by doing good for someone else and acknowledging their gratitude.

Here's an imaginary problem that money will solve. Let's imagine you are in an area with weather problems.
Most people have to suffer and put up with the enormous problems and inconvenience this causes. Yet much of the world is basking in sunshine and fair weather.
The answer?
If you have money, simply use to assist in the bad areas. The rich do it all the time.
Airport flooded so you can't leave the country or state?
Hire a helicopter and help others by allowing them to join you. It will even collect you from the roof of your flooded home if necessary, and drop you off at another airport that's open.

Left home without your luggage?
Money can also make travel more convenient. Just visit the foyer of the large hotel you're visiting in the sunny country and buy whatever you need instead of needing your luggage.

Too many parcels to carry to your room?
Call in the bellboy. That's why these hotels - and even some credit cards like the Platium Visa have concierge services. You just need to be able to point and talk. And tip.

Scratched your leg while being winched into the helicopter?
In some countries you can join an insurance group where doctors actually make house calls.

In short, there's very little that money can't fix. It's the reason I put so much emphasis on acquiring as much winnings as possible because it is absolutely necessary for a comfortable life today, and to help others.