The 5 lottery myths that players should know about buying tickets and luck


Luck. That’s the word most winners without a system use to explain their good fortune. But winning at the speed that our System does isn’t down to luck at all.

Here’s some myths we’ve exploded about lottery playing using the Silver Lotto System. This will help you make good decisions when you choose to play the lottery:

MYTH #1. You think you need to spend a lot of money on each game. You don't have to spend any more than $10-$20 a game. Spending more means more chance of winning. But even that small weekly amount is enough to speed your odds to beat most of the world's players.

MYTH #2. Winning the lottery is pure luck. 
While luck plays a small part in your wins, the way you set up your winning plan is more important. Luck can be manufactured by increasing the number of tickets and increasing the number of games you play.

MYTH #3. You'll win more if you go to a lucky shop. 
There is no such thing as a lucky lotto shop. It is simply a place where more people have bought their tickets than anywhere else. The system you use is more important than where you buy your tickets.

MYTH #4. You need to be good at numbers. There's a tiny amount of easy figure work when you use my System, but it is all a simple step-by-step process. Most people have it done in 30 minutes.

MYTH #5. You will get almost instant results. Sure, you could get lucky using the System the first time, and many Silverites have. But for most of us the element of luck needs some time first... a bit like slow cooking a turkey. Prepare for a month or two of trying it out and getting smaller prizes before you step up your playing. Adding LottoPredict and PRO Custom Profiles will speed up your play.

Happy now? I'm sure you are a lot more comfortable now knowing more about a System that will help you get winning.