Take a look at what 50 winning lottery tickets looks like in this photo


This old photo shows a collection of 50 of my winning tickets. I took it a while back because I decided that a picture is worth more than a thousand words.

So I gathered the winning tickets from over a month or so, laid them out all together on my office floor and took this (bad) photo with my iPhone.

The picture is not that great - but the results were!

I took the photo to demonstrate my lottery philosophy of Constant And Regular Prizes. And the pictures prove my System produces constant prizes often.

Any one of them could be the jackpot - it's just the luck of the draw as Rob W says:

Hey Ken, Chalk me up as another recent significant winner! I matched 6 out of 7 on the Canadian LottoMax and walked away with $6700. 1 number away from $30 million or with the 7th number as a bonus $420,000! Thanks, Rob W

And I personally get a 98-99% win rate... that's one or more prizes in every game I play.

I've written often about how my System works. And it's simple on the outside.

So simple in fact, that someone wrote me once and demanded to know where the rest of the information was.

She couldn't believe that I could get a winning formula out of such an easy arrangement.

And my lottery winning System has produced hundreds of thousands of happy winners over the years, some worth millions in prizes:

WINNER $3.2 million!
KEN...last Saturday i was one of the lucky winners we shared the big jack (pot) ... This is where we stand today...Total of $3,224,379.00... Regards Maher M. qal*****@hotmail.com