Read these 5 quick tips that will help you win lottery prizes in 5 minutes
/Wins like these from the Mega Millions games are possible if you follow these tips.
Here are 5 lottery tips you can act on in 5 minutes. They're simple but effective.
You'll laugh when you realize how little you need to win some of the world's largest jackpots:
1. Play the best game. Use LottoPredict to find out what game you should play in your area for the best odds. Alongside each game is a star rating. 1 star means your odds are poor, 3 stars are best. It doesn't mean that a 1-star should be avoided, just use PRO to turn the low rating into a high one.
2. Forget the size of the prize. Most lottery players are attracted to supersize jackpots like flies to honey. But they are the ones with the least chance of winning. Don't play to the prize... play to the odds.

3. Don't spread your play too thin. Most players fail to win because they are not putting enough tickets into the game. Instead of playing twice a week with $10 a time (the most common fault), wait. Add these amounts up and play $40 a time every two weeks.
4. Buy your tickets now for next week. Anticipation is more than 50% of the fun, but you need to commit to get the best value from it. That means buying your tickets early so you have more time to daydream about what you're going to do with your prizes.
5. Explore different strategies. There's no one answer in playing the lottery, so you need to be flexible. If you're not getting results, then buy PRO to make a huge difference to your game. Often the best investment in your game is expensive, but that one-off cost soon is forgotten as you start increasing your winnings.