Lucky Number 27 Turns Into A $3 Million Jackpot For Disbelieving Lottery WInner


Daniel Grinnell with NY Lottery presenter Yolanda Vega at the Fastrac store in Rochester where he won $3 Million. PHOTO: WHAM

The ATM at Daniel Grinnell’s usual store wasn’t working, so he went to another store.

Little did the 50-year-old know that the number 27 was to play a crucial role for him over the next few hours.

After taking out $40, he won $27 with the scratch-off tickets there.


The Fastrac store at 375 Ridge Road West, Rochester, NY. where Daniel Grinnell won his $3M.

He went back to his original store and bought more tickets using the money he won. This was his first time playing this particular scratch-off game.

And the result? He won $3M for his effort with a $3,000,000 Money Clip scratch-off ticket. 


“I was in disbelief. I checked the ticket about 100 times. I immediately signed it and put it away,” Grinnell continued.

Grinnell has chosen to receive his prize as a one-time lump-sum payment.  He will receive a net check totaling $1,558,576 after required withholdings.

When asked how it felt to win the Lottery, Grinnell said, “honestly, it feels pretty good. I guess I have a new lucky number. I spent $27, the ticket number was 27 and the winning number was 27.”

With his winnings, Grinnell plans to take care of his son, buy a house and live life on his terms.