I don't want to sound like a dinosaur but read these 4 lottery winning tips right now
/Host Noel Edmonds starts the UK National Lottery televised draw over 25 years ago.
I don't want to sound like a dinosaur, but I've been selling the Silver Lotto System for 28 years now. That's longer than when the photo above was taken at the first televised draw of the UK National Lottery.
And if there's one thing from those years of experience that I can break down into 4 tips, it's this:
1. Play with the full System.
Anyone - even on a tight budget - can do this and maybe reach a 98% win rate like me. It's a matter of allocating your funds.
By that I mean you might have to change and not follow what most players do.
They have twenty dollars to spend on a game, and so they use it each game. Because they're not using the full spread of the formula in the Silver Lotto System, their results are limited.
The secret is not to play each time but save those funds to put into one game with the full System.
2. You've got to focus on one game only.
You choose the best game by finding the one in your area using the highest Star Rating from your LottoPredict chart.
And then you never change it.

3. You use the SAME tickets each time.
I get a lot of emails asking if they should change numbers after a while. I've been using my same tickets for years and getting fantastic results.
Here's why... If you get a secondary prize with 4 numbers one time, those numbers have the chance of being in a jackpot line if 6 numbers.
Think about it. The System uses optimal number combinations. So it's likely that these 'good numbers' have the potential to appear again.
That's why you can use the same combinations again and again.
4. You must persist.
I've just finished reading an interesting article on the time it takes for a top blogging site to make a decent income.
It's about 3-7 years. And yet lottery players expect to get a major win in 3-7 weeks.
Well, sometimes it happens. But most times you need to persist, like anything worthwhile.
But a lot depends on these steps..
Play the full System.
Use both tools - LottoPredict and PRO.
Focus on one game only.
Then you might get results like Cathy:
Dear Ken, You wonderful man and your splendid system got me $67,000 in the second prize (where I played only half the amount you suggested to me). The pro is what I used and it came up with the numbers easily and in record time! I spent $40 but it was well worth all the spare money I had to win this amazing amount. I have never won a lottery before I used yours. Cathy K.