4 ways to kick the $10 lottery ticket habit and get winning fast


Lucky New Jersey Powerball winner Pedro Quezada won a record $338 million.

Notice how whenever someone wants you to know how lucky you are, they always say, "It's better than winning the lottery."

That's because there is NOTHING better than winning the lottery.

Of all the big breaks you can have in your life, nothing comes even close than the elation and permanent change from winning large sums of money.

It is truly life-changing. For many winners, it means they never have to work at a job they dislike ever again.

Most people buy a house and another for their relatives, upgrade their car, pay off debts, and engage in a hobby they've always wanted to do.

It extends your life too. Without money worries, many people live longer.

And yet most players spend a miserable $10 a game to try and achieve their dreams of a perfect life.

Ten dollars is not enough. Compare that tiny amount to the years of study that many people spend learning a craft, a skill, or simply getting ahead in their job. Some spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their career.

One of my adult sons has completed his MBA... a two year intensive Masters of Business course that has taken him to Brazil, allowed him to meet leaders of industry, and incidentally given him an ulcer.

But his health is another story. The point is he has spent valuable years of his life gambling that his new skills will get him to another level in his job.

For all that effort he may increase his salary by $20,000 a year and more.

And yet many players spend only $10 a week and hope to do far better to try winning hundreds of millions of dollars.

They are misguided, and here's why...

If you want to win a sizeable lottery fortune, you can do it in two ways:

  • Play small amounts and hope that luck will grant you the jackpot.

  • Increase your levels of play and make your own luck.

I have developed LottoPredict and PRO for exactly that reason... they are the add-ons to the Silver Lotto System that are absolutely essential for your lottery success.... the MBA's of the lotto world that will kickstart your winning odds.

Don't leave anything to chance.

Use whatever tools you need and leave the $10-a-game mentality behind. You need to change direction to make a difference in your life.


Begin your change by making some sensible decisions:

1- Play the game with the lowest number of balls and numbers. If you are a LottoPredict subscriber you'll find the best game star indicators in your weekly prediction chart.

2- Increase your stake. Ten bucks a game doesn't cut it anymore. You need to play at least 40 lines (coupon boxes on a ticket) with the System to make a decent dent in your luck. Too poor? Save up! No-one has any excuse to play with more tickets if they simply withhold the money they were going to spend each game, and use the larger saved-up amount in a later game.

3- Use the tools I supply to get a flying advantage. LottoPredict and PRO will give you certainty in a game that's meant to be entirely chance. Now it isn't. You have a better chance than the millions of others who play without a plan.

4- Stick to your decision. My son was locked in to his MBA program because of the huge cost, his reputation, the hours of study he has already put in. You have none of that. You can either continue playing small beans... or you can commit and upgrade your play to pro levels.

A lottery MBA is getting all the funds but without wasting years of hard work. Those 2 minutes a week you spend on buying tickets will pay off - and without the pain of study and hard work.

What would you do? Yes, the lottery is a no-brainer.

RELATED: The Hidden Traps You Can Fall Into After Winning The Lottery