Ghost Winners - the lottery players who end up broke because they failed to do one simple thing
/When Angelica Chavez told her dad she thought she would win the lottery, he told her to go for it. PHOTO: Des Moines Register
This website is all about winning.
So if there's one thing I want to stress to you as a Silver Lotto System owner or owner-to-be, it's this...
Buy a ticket today!
The number of Silver Lotto System owners (Silverites) who are seeing spectacular winnings on paper - but didn't get a cent because they didn’t do one simple thing.
They failed to buy a ticket for their winning game.
I call them "ghost winners" because their winnings are invisible.
If you look in the testimonials you'll see several people there who won up to a million dollars... but failed to play. They are all very unhappy.

Here is just one example of a ghostie who should have bought a ticket years ago:
Hi Ken Silver, I am a computer programmer, currently living in Virginia Beach, VA. Just by curiosity I decided to write a computer program in ASP to follow the instructions in the Silver Lotto System. I ran a simulation using the whole history of the Virginia Mega Millions Lottery, and it turns out that your system HIT the jackpot... Jose M L (name and address supplied)
Computer simulation is all very well, but it doesn't match the feeling of a thick wad of greenbacks in your hand, a seat on your own private jet, or the powerful feeling of never having to work again for the rest of your life.
And another who lost a million... "I had all the numbers, you wouldn't believe it," Lester R told me over the phone. "A million dollars, I missed a million dollars!"
MISSED $1 MILLION! After taking tickets of the same series for some time,... I decided to extend out to a much larger number of entries. This was what Ken had been saying so I followed instructions. I did get organised but alas I let that fateful night go by when I did not buy and the prize pool meant that $1M would have been won as my first line of numbers came up.
Lester R.
Play for real. Really.