This one thing that $90 million-a-year author James Patterson does can make you win more lottery prizes

Acclaimed crime novelist and author James Patterson shows the way we should be playing the lottery to win   Photo: Vanity Fair

If you want to win more lottery prizes, you need to follow James Patterson’s secret.

The 76-year-old popular fiction writer with a net worth of $178 million, makes over $90 million a year by selling over 305 million books, and can show us how.

James Patterson lives in this luxury home in Palm Beach, Florida   Photo: Vanity Fair

His main secret to his vast success in the writing world is exactly the same as any other kind of activity, lottery or business - he takes massive action.

He writes a lot. To achieve this prolific output, Patterson employs over 20 other co-writers to pump out 15 books and more a year.

He gives them a script, then follows up with editing until he's happy to put his name on the book.

James Patterson releasing new books every year is like playing the lottery more often with more tickets to increase your chances of success.   Photo: Supplied

It's no different to playing the lottery to win. You need to have a large number of tickets played a large number of times to win.

Take Mineola Oaks, a retiree living in Washington Heights, New York has played lotto every day, spending $3-$5 a day - and more on Tuesday - for over 20 years.

That adds up to almost $30,000 spent in pursuit of her dream. But several years ago she won $100,000 - and it’s all down to playing frequently.

James Patterson wrote a fiction novel, “The President Is Missing,” with former President Bill Clinton.   Photo: Supplied

This frequency is important. And if you want to scale up your wins to get faster wins and more frequent results, you need to take a leaf out of James Patterson's book.

He took massive action in his business, and it's no secret that his book empire grew the fastest when he started writing on a bigger scale around 2002.

Follow his example, and any time you want to get more, you should do more:

  • To earn more, work more

  • To buy more, spend more

  • To travel further, drive more

  • To learn more, read more

  • To get fatter, eat more

  • To bike faster, pedal more

  • To learn more, study more

It works for almost everything in life. You should use massive action first, and then apply these rules for winning the lottery:

RULE #1 - Play the games with the LOWEST number of balls and numbers. Players who play large ball number games (like Mega Millions or Powerball) should realize that their odds dwindle away as the numbers increase. In the lottery, the rules of odds always apply. Games with a smaller number of balls and numbers always get the better result.

RULE #2 - Play frequently. Remember the stories many people have about meeting long-lost friends at an overseas airport? It's simply because the airport is a hub for frequency. Like the airport, frequent playing brings numbers together and puts everything together in one spot. The odds of winning are hugely magnified when you play frequently.

READ MORE: Acclaimed Author Talks About Her Lottery Wishlist

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