4 ways to get bigger lottery wins with the Silver Lotto System


How can you get bigger wins like Norris Henry who won $6 million in the New York Lotto?

Gerry had just started with the Silver Lotto System and had this question:

“Ken, Your blog has become an important read in my daily routine. So thanks for all the work you put into it for us readers! I've just started using your system and am getting some small wins of about $100 each time. When am I going to win a larger amount? And how much do I have to spend each time? Thanks, Gerry.”

While no-one can guarantee a win at any particular time, you can increase your winning chances by:

  • - Playing more often,

  • - Increasing the number of tickets each time,

  • - Sticking to one game instead of spreading across many,

  • - Increasing the number of times you play each week.

This all sounds expensive I know, but I recommend you use LottoPredict which tells you when to buy, and when to save your funds.

It will make a big savings to the amount you play: thelottolife.com/lottopredict

As for the amount you need to spend, that's a question I get asked a lot.

The answer is to only spend what you can afford.

Some Silverites play with only 5-10 tickets a game and still get good results.

The lottery is just numbers. So if you play more, you'll win more. Don't make the mistake that most people do when they are on a budget and play with fewer tickets.

You should always try to play with the maximum number of tickets you can afford each game.

Wait a few games if you need to, so you can save up and get the maximum number of tickets.

But if you want to see how you can play 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines, use our Winner's Circle.