Crazy New York Man Tattoos A Lottery Winning Tip On His Forearm

These two words 'Do More' are tattooed in reverse on Casey Neistat's arm.

He believes the concept is so important that Casey Neistat had it tattooed on his arm, in reverse. That's so he can see it the right way in the mirror.

This frenetic 35-year-old New York vlogger wants to pack as much work and fun into each minute - and he never wants to forget it.

And, as a result, Casey has a list of achievements as long as your arm.

No surprise, his work ethic works for everything, lottery included.

In fact, probably more so for winning the lottery.

Because the number of tickets you play has a direct relationship to your win rate.

A customer visits a lottery store in Canada.

I was chatting to my local store lady, asking her how the current big draw was selling.

"You know," she said, as she flipped my tickets through the machine, "we get more people coming in for the big draws, but they don't pay any more than normal for their tickets."

So the large draw attracts more players, but these people still only spend $5 each draw.

For these hobby players it's a game... a way of having fun with a little money and a lot of hope.

We're different.

We know that we only have one chance at life.

Another of Casey's motivational tattoos on his wrist.

We can either work for someone else for the rest of our lives and have a comfortable nest egg at the end.

Slow but sure.

Or we can win more than is humanly possible to spend - and lead a different life RIGHT NOW.

So it's worthwhile aiming high for everything we do. And increasing the number of tickets we play with the Silver Lotto System is the best way to accomplish that faster.

If you want a list of lottery wins as long as your arm, you've got to follow Casey's example.

  • Play more games 
  • Play more tickets 

And of course, never give up.

Ken, still shaking from my win, bought your Silver Lotto system last year and have played lotto regularly since, definite small wins and a few no wins, until last night. Checked my ticket online and I have won 1st division $22,236,652.87.
Your system works - Regards, Jason