Lotto Boss Resigns When Winning Numbers Mixed Up Onscreen During Draw
/The head of Serbia’s state lottery, Aleksandar Vulovic, resigned after the lottery blooper that affected the game’s draw.
It was a public relations disaster which affected the confidence of the players of a lottery game when the draw went terribly wrong.

The Serbian presenter looks confused as the numbers and draw balls don't match up.
Thankfully the event ocurred in Serbia, pop 7.1 million, and didn't affect the world's largest lotteries.
It happened when the number 21 appeared on the state's television screen in a draw in June, 2015.

The fourth ball, 27, should have been 21 according to the screen.
However number 27 came out of the barrel instead, and thirty seconds later number 21 ball appeared. Then a series of the number 27 repeated on screen.
As a result the head of Serbia’s state lottery, Aleksandar Vulovic, said he was stepping down from the company out of 'moral obligation' - although he denies any wrongdoing.

The head of Serbia’s state lottery, Aleksandar Vulovic, resigns. PHOTO: Tanjug.
The mistake has lead to accusations of a fix, and Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said five people were being questioned.
Aleksandar Vulovic said in a news conference: “If there was any criminal activity these people will answer to the law. The path to prison is very short.”

More confusing onscreen graphics for the number 27 from the draw.
A statement from the state lottery said that it was a technical error - simply a mistake by the person who filled out the television graphic .
They said that the draw was legitimate. The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has announced a probe into the draw.
A video of the Tuesday night tv broadcast for the Serbian State Lottery has been taken down. VIDEO: YouTube

ABOUT: The State Lottery of Serbia states that it is a leading organiser of games of chance in the Western Balkans, and has been a full member of the European family lottery since 2006.