Heartwarming Story About A Couple Who Lost Everything In Superstorm Sandy

Sometimes the right people win the lottery, and it couldn't get any better for this Connecticut couple who both lost homes in the 2012 superstorm Sandy.

Dennis Klaus and Mary Ann Daino accept their checks from Cr Lottery.

Dennis Klaus and Mary Ann Daino won the lottery after they came to Connecticut to rebuild their lives after Superstorm Sandy. She lost her home on Staten Island, N.Y. He lost his in Brooklyn, N.Y.

"Connecticut took us in with open arms at hearts." said Daino.

New Milford’s New Faith Church gave each of them a trailer for a year. Then, they leased a trailer home together and continued to live in Gaylordsville.  

New Milford’s New Faith Church helped the couple when they needed it most.

Nearly six months ago, they bought a lottery ticket and won.

Daino told Klaus they had won.

"I said, get out of here, won what?" said Klaus. "She said, we got a winning ticket. I said, what do you mean?"

"He's going, no, you're kidding, you're kidding, really? You're kidding. Really?" said Daino. "I said, yes Dennis, this is our home."

They put the ticket in a safety deposit box for safekeeping and cashed it in Monday.


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