Why It's Easier To Win The Lottery Than Become Rich Or Famous
/The rich share a secret that stops you from entering their wealthy community.
The wealthy have a secret that lets you believe that getting rich is easy. But it is actually easier to win lottery prizes than become rich like these people.
Here's the secret:
The wealthy often claim they come from humble beginnings. But in many cases they don't.
Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg (front) in an early family photo. Photo: Sherry Tesler, The New York Times
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the son of dentist Edward Zuckerberg and psychiatrist Karen Kempner. His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer David Newman to tutor him privately.
He was also bright. He won prizes in science (math, astronomy and physics) and classical studies.
Bill and Melissa Gates in a photo with his parents.
Look at Bill Gates. He was seen as a nerdy guy with few connections who dropped out of college.
But his parents were well-off. His father was a prominent lawyer in Washington. And his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
Early on in his life, Gates's parents had a law career in mind for him.
Warren Buffet in his computer-free Berkshire Hathaway company office. Photo: Business Insider
Then there's Warren Buffet. His father was a stock broker. By 1950, at 20, Warren Buffett had made and saved $9,800 (over $96,000 inflation adjusted for the 2014 USD).
In fact he had control over millions of dollars right from his early thirties.
If you examine the stories of many wealthy titans of industry, you'll find it's much the same. They all had experience in their fields and help right from the start.
Success isn't easyIf you don't have the same degree of connection or background at the beginning of your career, you'll find it tough to get anywhere fast.
Thinking of starting a business to catapult you into the world of the millionaire? Most small business have trouble getting enough capital to expand. You'll have trouble even kicking off your ideas.
There's only one alternative, and I've wasted years looking for it.
Believe me, I attended many seminars, courses and studied success principle books for decades. Until I went digital my library shelf was full of the success stories of so-called rich and famous.
And the only answer I came up with?
It's easier and safer to win the lottery than to get rich in any other manner. And I mean seriously rich... not just being a millionaire.
But alone, you will not win the lottery. You need some help from my System.
Now, Silverites will know that when I say 'win the lottery,' I don't mean the grand jackpot. That's not the way the System was devised.
It works best with the thousands of secondary prizes, but also puts you into the slot for the jackpot better than any other way I know.
So the purpose of my system is to get you multiple smaller prizes, because these are easier to achieve. And maybe, one of those many prizes will be large enough to change your life.
Don't waste your time on failing business or get-rich-quick schemes. Just putting a small amount each week into the right lottery game and making sure you follow all my rules will achieve success better than any other way.