RICH IS: Finding this rare $2 million Mercedes Gullwing Sportscar lost for years in a barn
/This 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300SL gullwing is the most sought-after sports car on the planet. Photo: Alyn Edwards, Driving
They call them barn finds, those valuable cars that have sat for years unused in storage, then are discovered by chance - or a determined search - by enthusiasts. That was the case for this rare 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300SL.
Except, it required no tedious searching - it popped up in 2012 on eBay in Canada. And that led many people thinking it was a hoax. But Ottawa surgeon Hassan Moghadam discovered the classic was just an hour away from his home and decided to find out.

The interior needed a clean but was basically sound. Photo: Alyn Edwards, Driving
"It was my dream car and it was only an hour away," Dr. Moghadam says in a Driving interview published early 2015.
He rushed to see the car with his then seven-year-old son Alexander. After looking at it he asked Alexander if he should buy the car. The response was: “No dad. It has lots of bumps and bruises."

The 300SL has been often admired as one of the most beautiful designs ever built. Photo: Alyn Edwards, Driving
"I told him, that's what makes the car special. It is a true barn find and a hidden treasure. He then got excited and jumped in the car," explained Dr. Moghadam.
Photo: Alyn Edwards, Driving
The deal - of an undisclosed price - was made on a handshake, and it was delivered to Dr. Moghadam eight months later. These models can range in price up to $2 million depending on history and condition.
There are still some 300SL's available around the world... and it's just the car to start a lottery winner's collection. Photo: Alyn Edwards, Driving
Source: Alyn Edwards, Driving