Hoosier Lottery Does Something Green To The Water For St Patrick's Day
/Today for the 19th straight year, the Hoosier Lottery helped Indianapolis - the Circle City - celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by turning the canal green. The March 2015 event is a traditional occasion for the lottery company.
It's almost time for the Greening of The Canal. Governor Pence, Mayor Ballard, and other Indiana dignitaries are lined up with special guests.
Follow the Hoosier Lottery on Twitter for this event.
The guest pour the solution into the canal.
And it's green!
The excitement started at 5pm on Monday, March 16th, 2015 at the downtown Canal with live music, dancing, special celebrity appearances. The highlight of the event was the dying of the canal.
The event also featured prize drawings, authentic Irish entertainment by Eunan McIntyre and free Shamrock necklaces and hats.