37-Year-Old Therapist Says $5,000 A Month For Life Scratch-Off Hasn't Changed Him
/Money is the best therapy--Bobby Kato Jr might agree after his $5,000-a-month win. PHOTO: News Times
“I am thrilled, but it hasn’t changed me,” says Kato, a 37-year-old Danbury therapist who won a $5,000 a month for life scratch-off game in late September at his neighborhood service station.
“I still do everything I used to do,” says Kato, who lives on Danbury’s west side, not far from the Mill Plain Exxon where he bought the winning ticket.

Bobby Kato via LinkedinKato, who counsels people with addictions and mental-health issues, says it’s common for lottery winners to lose their grounding.
"Lottery winners can become compulsive about trying to win again," he said.
“I always say if you spend more than you are going to miss, you have a problem,” said Kato.
Kato said he buys lottery tickets sporadically. Sept. 25 just happened to be his day.
“I still go to work. I still clean the house.”
He also smiles a little more, he says.
He’s already paid off a bill from medical school. And he plans to use more of the winnings to buy a nice house and have a nice wedding.
“I am going to keep working,” says Kato, who grew up in Queens.

The Exxon gas station in Danbury where Booby Kato bought his winning scratch-off ticket.
Kato becomes the second Danbury man to hit a large lottery jackpot this year.
In February, a Danburian named Jose Medrano walked into Ed’s Cigar Box on Main Street and bought a Powerball ticket that won him $1 million.

Pritesh "Sam" Patel, owner of Ed's Cigar Box on Main Street in Danbury where Jose Medano bought his Powerball ticket. PHOTO: News Times
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