It's An Honor To Help You Win This Week
British comedian Bruce Forsyth got knighted by the Queen recently, but I didn't.
Our country has just announced the mid-year honors list.
It's mainly a bunch of kindly and righteous people who get knighted or honored for the work they've done in the community.
My name wasn't there.
I don't understand why I wasn't nominated. After all, I help thousands of people each realise their dreams each year.
There’ll be no tapping on the shoulder with a sword and “Arise, Sir Ken.”
But I wasn't really disappointed.

As comedian actor Groucho MarxGroucho Marx once famously said - and I agree: "I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
As a longstanding entrepreneur I've never really fitted in anywhere.
But the one thing I'm good at is getting winning numbers.
It took me longer than some of these hardworking honoured souls with their faces spread over the newspaper and news sites.
But I get results and make a lot of Silverites happy.
As I put the final touches to today's LottoPredict numbers, I decided that I'm just happy helping winners every day.
After all, could it get any better than this?...

Read the hundreds of testimonials here to see more.
And promise me when you win this week you'll put in a good word for my knighthood!