How To Automate Your Lottery Tasks So You Never Have To Fill A Ticket Again

Does Jennifer Lopez ever clean her sparkling kitchen? I doubt it.

Ever feel like you're a mouse in a giant wheel - where you run on one spot doing the same tasks over and over again?

If you're like me, you get no pleasure from:

  • Making your bed
  • Mowing the lawns
  • Weeding the garden
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Painting your house
  • Sweeping your floors
  • Buying the groceries

Nobody does these tasks happily. That's why tv remotes were invented.

I hate chores too, so I get most of them done for me by people or robots:

* I have a gardener mow my lawn.
* A gardener also weeds the garden.
* I have painters do my house when it needs it.
* I have 5 Roomba vacuum cleaning robots to sweep our floors and decks.
* I use WeMo light and power switches to turn on appliances and lights all over the house from my iPhone.

Many years ago I resolved never to do anything that I disliked. It has mostly worked well, and getting skilled experts to do my unpleasant chores gave an added benefit.

They got paid work, and I got a professionally done job.

You can buy scratch-off tickets from a machine, but not lottery tickets yet.

It's fair to say that I didn't think about getting rid of chores when I developed my Silver Lotto System back in 1991.

But now it's great motivator, because there's nothing more boring for a non-numbers person than filling in rows of numbers every week.

But that's another chore that you can cross off your list when you start my System because you don't have to fill out your tickets every week.

Or ever again. Only once.

I've had the same bunch of tickets for the last 5 years.

They are getting a little dog-eared, but every game I play still brings me multiple wins without doing anything else.

No more filling out tickets! And as far as I know, there's no other lottery system that does this.