How I Cut My Ironing Time In Half - And How You Can Double Your Lottery Winning
/Yup, ironing is a man's sport! Photo.
The courier driver heaved the large flat package out of his van. I stopped washing the car and went over to sign the electronic pad he offered.
"Getting ready for some serious ironing over Christmas eh?" he joked as he waited for me to finish.
I looked at the large cardboard box that was almost as tall as me. It had "Philips Ironing Board" written on the side, so we both knew what was in there.
It was the final part of the Philips ironing system. A week ago I had bought their steam iron.
A steam iron is different to an ordinary iron... it produces steam only, and very little heat from the baseplate of the iron.
This means you never burn the ironing, or have to worry about settings or the type of fabric you're pressing. And the steam pressure means everything is ironed instantly, even hard creases come out straight away.
I enjoy ironing sometimes. It's therapeutic. You can think as you iron.
Unfortunately I've cut my thinking time down by at least half - because the iron is that much faster too.

The iron and its big steam capsule fit perfectly onto the board. (However it's not the unique split board shown in this doctored photo).
It is a system that is faster and more efficient than any other standard iron, and works just like my Silver Lotto System.
No, $100 bills don't come out of the iron. And steam doesn't come out of my lottery system.
What I'm talking about is the merging of several parts that make the whole structure more efficient and easier to use.
I've done that by adding the LottoPredict membership and the PRO custom profiles together. It will boost your lottery winning rate to maybe double. I get up to 98% win rate from it, as do others.
You can see how HERE.
But you won't be able to buy your PRO Custom Profiles from that site. Instead, use it to check whether your game is available.
Then get it through your Silver Lotto Membership Site: