How RoboForm will help you enter more sweepstakes faster

Entering multiple sweepstakes can be a time-consuming business, but this tool is designed to reduce your workload. The Contest Queen, Carolyn Wilman, has been using the software for 17 years, and interviews the maker of RoboFrom who talks about its benefits for sweepstaking and more.

Of course, entering our own Lotto Life Rewards Sweepstakes is much easier - just sign up to our newsletter and that’s all you do to automatically enter each Free Daily Draw to win up to $1,000 in prizes and cash each week.

New Game - become the Pizza Chief


Food is fun - especially pizza! You'll be hungry to play this new game that we've added to our Games section of over 50 games.

In this game, you try to recreate the pizza that's already showing and try to become the Pizza Chief. Drag the ingredients on the board and try to make your meal the same as the example pizza.

There are many levels to challenge you. Just don't blame us if you feel like a real pizza afterward!

Go to the Recently Added section in our GAMES section to see it and play!