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Are lotto players dreaming lottery numbers? This is why daydreaming is good for winners

Dream Lottery winner Russ Wilton (center) and his family at the London Health Sciences Centre $1 million check presentation   Photo: LHSC

Who hasn't wondered what they would do with their lottery jackpot?

Even people you assumed didn't need more money still do this too…they are dreaming lottery numbers.

Just like many players who have previously won, they are still playing the lottery because they have unfulfilled fantasies about winning again.

Olga Beno of Eastern Passage says she dreamed her winning set of numbers in May 1989 and has been using them ever since   Photo: Atlantic Lottery

But really, is dreaming about winning healthy? And what happens when you do?

"People assumed that when your mind wandered it was empty," Kalina Christoff, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia, told the Wall Street Journal.

Kalina Christoff is a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia.   Photo: WSJ

Christoff said, "Mind wandering is a much more active state than we ever imagined, much more active than during reasoning with a complex problem."

And the result is enhanced creativity.

So you will be able to make lists of future purchases and travel destinations much easier if you spend a little time looking at the clouds.

East Devonport Newsagency owner Jasmine Burton and Debbie Cornick celebrate the win sold by their store to an Australian man   Photo: Supplied

An Australian man in his 40s won $1 million using numbers he saw in a dream 13 years ago.

"I’ve been playing these numbers for 13 years,” he said.

“I dreamt them one night–they appeared in my dream. I woke up and wrote them down, and I’ve been playing them ever since."

What would you buy?

If they won the lottery tomorrow, a number of surveyed lottery players say they would:

  • Quit my job

  • Pay off the credit cards

  • Set aside enough to pay for college tuition

  • Travel a lot

  • Invest/secure my retirement

  • Help out my family

  • Make large donations to my favorite charities

  • Pay off the mortgage

  • Buy a new house/car/vacation home

  • Start my own business.

These lottery players say they would spend their wins in different ways.   Photo: UK Lottery

So indulging in a little fantasy about what you would do with your lottery winnings is a good thing.

It encourages self-examination that can have a positive effect and makes each day a little better. 

 Yes, daydreaming is definitely healthy!

This video shows two players who made dreaming lottery numbers and winning a giant sum of money actually work   Photo: YouTube