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This weird law can increase your chances of getting anything you want - even winning the lottery

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Many players ask about the Law of Attraction (LOA) when the name Cynthia Stafford is mentioned.

Well, to me, it is a bit too woo-woo. I like scientific methods that are solid and dependable and that work.

Lottery numbers can't be persuaded to appear on your ticket just because there's a Law for it.

But what does work is Focus & Action. That means money doesn't come to you - you go to the money.

That's the difference.

Let me explain...

Everything you want on this planet has to be desired. It won't fall into your lap without some effort on your part, or luck. Anyone can sit around wishing they had a million bucks.

But the reality is that it will never happen to the average person without some more incentive - and action.

RELATED: Will This Law Of Attraction REALLY Work For You?

You have to chase it. I've said before how you should set a goal for a thing (not money). Then surround yourself with pictures, written goals - reminders daily about it:

  • It must be the first thing that pops into your head when you wake up, and the last thing at night.

  • And in between you should be taking part in special interest groups and forums.

  • You should be visiting the place where your goal is - like a car showroom - and generally swamping yourself with the goal.

I have a model of the next car I want next to my computer screen. It is in my vision every single moment of my working day.

When you concentrate like this, two things will happen. The first is that after a while, you'll get tired of the constant demand for your time.

Your interest will gradually drop away.

You'll eventually say to yourself, "If I see that goal again today, I'll go crazy."

It might happen in 3 weeks, or - more usually - 3 months.

That tells you that you don't want it badly enough.

But the second thing might happen, as it does for me for most of my goals. You'll break through the 3-week/3-month barrier, and your interest will grow stronger.

Your dreams will become more like reality. You'll be able to see it, smell it, taste it.

If your thing is a car, you'll see that model on the street immediately when no one else even notices it.

Example: my adult daughter is dog-mad and has been for many years. Every day she can see more dogs than I ever knew existed. She sees them on the streets, looking out of car windows, tied up at supermarkets.

They are everywhere for her.

She is the perfect example of this Law. Her interest is all-consuming.

So why can't we win the lottery with the Law of Attraction?

Why does it have to be a desired material goal instead of a series of numbers?

A lottery is a collection of hard figures, and it's a make-or-break. If the figures don't line up, you have no chance of winning.

But when you desire a thing, another set of rules comes into play. There are more opportunities to get a car than a lotto prize, for example:

  • Someone who knows your interest may help with a tip to get one cheap.

  • A relative who knows your passion might leave you money in a will for it.

  • A series of events might all come together, like winning or obtaining a deposit for the car.

But no one will come up to you and hand you a winning ticket for nothing.

Life doesn't work that way. To get your material object, you need to have several rules in place.

When you Focus and Persist, you’ll win the lottery. By concentrating on your goal item, you increase your enthusiasm for the lottery.

You won't give up if you don't get an immediate win. You'll say to yourself... oh well, not this time.

There's ALWAYS a next time...

When you use Focus & Action, everything you do will start pointing you towards ways to win. You'll buy the tools and use them because you know you're heading in the right direction.

And you'll have staying power - the ability to persist long after everyone else has given up. Because that's how you win the lottery.

Get the tools, and start writing your goals.

But do it now... because Winners Take Action!

READ MORE: The Shocking Truth About The Law Of Attraction For Winning The Lottery