Silver Lotto

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Here's the one avoidable number you should NEVER use to win the lottery

Renae Smith won $100,000 in the Georgia Lottery on her 48th birthday. Here’s why her birthday matters…

Choosing the correct numbers according to a System is such an important part of winning the lottery.

Yet many players still use horoscopes, lucky number guides, and hot and cold number patterns.

And believe this - they are doing this while using a System!

They put in their own numbers to make up the 'perfect play.' So they think.

And the most popular number they use?

Their birthday.

There are other numbers that some players prefer, but a birthday date seems to be the most popular. And it’s totally wrong.


My birthday is coming up in a short while, but you won't see me putting my date into the System just to tip the odds.

Because the odds work in different ways.

Let's say you've been playing a while and not getting the results you want. My advice - don't alter the numbers and stick your birthdate in.

It won’t help any better than chance

READ MORE: The Birthday Principle - Why These Lottery Numbers Can Be A Disaster For Your Prizes