Silver Lotto

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I won over £100 million from the lottery all because I made this one prediction

In 2014, Englishman Neil Trotter became a household name when he won a staggering £108 million (US$131M) in the EuroMillions lottery.

His secret? The former car mechanic from Coulsdon, Surrey, revealed he had predicted he would be a multi-millionaire ‘this time tomorrow,’ in 2014.

And he had made this statement just hours before he won!

The garage owner, then 41, ran his own car repair shop in Mitcham called Chameleon Coachworks.

His incredible story of transformation from a regular guy living in UK to a multi-millionaire with a vision has inspired many others.

Today, Neil Trotter is interviewed by Timothy Schultz, who gained insight into how he navigated his newfound wealth, the impact on his life, and the remarkable journey he embarked on.

This is an edited excerpt from the full video which you can watch above.

Neil Trotter (right) is interviewed by Timothy Schultz in this recent podcast   Photo: YouTube

Timothy Schultz: Thank you for joining us today, Neil. You've had quite the journey since your big win. Can you tell us how it all happened?

Neil Trotter: Well, Timothy, it was something I had envisioned for a while. I had a strong feeling that I was going to win big, even before it happened. I remember discussing it with my dad and telling him that I was going to win £108 million. He was a bit skeptical at the time, but I was adamant. I had a vision of what I wanted to do with the money, particularly in terms of wildlife conservation and restoration.

Timothy Schultz: It's incredible that you had this premonition. Can you walk us through the moment you realized you had won?

Neil Trotter: The day I bought the winning ticket was like any other. I was driving to work, and something just clicked in my mind. I felt like I needed to make a change in my life. So, I stopped at a shop and bought a lottery ticket, not even knowing the amount of the jackpot. That night, I checked the numbers, and there it was - I had won the entire top line. I couldn't believe it; I checked it multiple times. It was an exhilarating moment.

Timothy Schultz: That's incredible. The rush of emotions must have been overwhelming. What happened next?

Neil Trotter: After confirming the win, I wanted someone else to verify it. I showed the ticket to my dad, who had been my confidant in this dream. He, too, confirmed the win, and we couldn't believe it. The next step was to contact Camelot Lottery to claim the prize, and they sent a team to our location for the verification process.

Timothy Schultz: What was the immediate aftermath of the win like?

Neil Trotter: The media attention was intense. My win was making headlines, and it seemed like everyone wanted to talk to me. It was a lot to handle. Camelot recommended a financial advisor and lawyer to help manage my newfound wealth. Setting up a will was one of the initial steps, and we had to deal with a lot of paperwork. I wanted to ensure my family's future and fulfill my dreams of wildlife restoration.

Timothy Schultz: Your vision for wildlife conservation and restoration is remarkable. Can you tell us more about the projects you've undertaken since the win?

Neil Trotter was interviewed by the BBC and revealed how he has spent his windfall so far   Video: YouTube

Neil Trotter: Absolutely. I've invested heavily in a 500-acre estate, where we've been working on restoring wildflower meadows, woodlands, and ponds. It's been a journey of bringing back the natural habitats and wildlife that once thrived there. The estate also includes a Grade II manor house and various outbuildings, all of which we've meticulously restored. We're deeply committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

Timothy Schultz: It's inspiring to see how you've dedicated your wealth to such noble causes. How have you adjusted to the lifestyle and responsibilities that come with this newfound wealth?

This was the modest home of former British car mechanic Neil Trotter, seen here with partner Nicky Ottaway.   Photo: Google

Neil Trotter: The adjustment was challenging, and I soon realized that winning the lottery doesn't make life easier; it makes it busier. People assume that once you have money, you're living a life of leisure. However, I've never been one to sit still. My life is filled with investments, banks, and various projects, from sponsoring a young race car driver to estate management.

Timothy Schultz: Speaking of race car driving, can you tell us more about your involvement in sponsoring a young driver?

Neil Trotter: Sure. I've always had a passion for racing, and I used to race minis. When I won the lottery, I decided to fulfill a dream I'd held for years. I bought two cars and set up my own touring car team. However, managing the team was a lot of work, and I decided to sponsor a talented young driver, Lewis Brown, who had raced with me in the past. I've been supporting him as he competes in TCR Europe, and he's been performing remarkably well.

Neil sponsors a talented young driver, Lewis Brown, who had previously raced with him, and has been supporting him as he competes in Europe   Photo: YouTube

Timothy Schultz: It's fantastic to see you supporting young talent in motorsports. What other aspects of your life have changed significantly after the win?

Neil Trotter: Well, everything has grown larger, quite literally. I've expanded my collection of toys, which now includes diggers, tractors, lawnmowers, and race cars. I've also dedicated more time to environmental and estate projects, including restoring fields and habitats for wildlife. It's a life that keeps me busy and fulfilled.

Timothy Schultz: With your significant wealth, do you think money has brought you happiness, or do you believe that happiness is independent of financial status?

After his win Neil spent months looking for suitable property, and bought this 400-acre mansion in the Kent countryside.   Photo: Supplied

Neil Trotter: Money has certainly brought me opportunities and the ability to pursue my dreams, but it also comes with its share of stress. The pursuit of happiness is a personal journey, and I believe it's not solely dependent on financial status. It's about how you use your resources and the impact you make on the world and those around you. My happiness comes from realizing my dreams and improving the lives of others and the environment.

Timothy Schultz: Thank you, Neil, for sharing your incredible journey with us. Your story is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and the positive impact wealth can have when used wisely. Your dedication to wildlife conservation and other noble causes is truly inspiring.

Neil Trotter: Thank you, Timothy. It's been a pleasure to share.

RELATED: Wait Till You See The Stunning Mansion This Former Mechanic Bought With His $165 Million Lottery Jackpot

Lookback: How UK lottery winner spent his £107.9 million EuroMillions fortune

ABOUT Timothy Schultz

Timothy Schultz is a podcaster and Youtuber with Bullhead Entertainment, LLC. In 1999, he won the Powerball before going back to college to study broadcast news and work on various productions. He’s now combining his experience to launch this podcast, Lottery, Dreams and Fortune.