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Welcome To The Silver Lotto System
About The Silver Lotto System
1: How To Make Your Fortune With Lotto
2: Why Other Lottery Products Fail
3: Your Investment Return
4: The Silver Lotto System Explained
5: The Secret Behind The Numbers
6: How To Fill Out Your Number Profiles
7: How To Fill Out Your Tickets
How To Fill Out Games with up to 40 Numbers and 5 or 6 Balls
How To Fill Out Games with 41-49 Numbers and 5 or 6 Balls
How To Fill Out Games with 50-59 Numbers and 5 or 6 Balls
How To Fill Out Other Games Not Listed Here
How To Fill Out Other Games Not Listed Here
How To Fill Out USA Powerball
How To Fill Out Mega Millions
How To Fill Out The Canada Lotto Max
How To Fill Out The Australia Powerball
How To Fill Out Games With Bonus Balls
Welcome To The Silver Lotto System
Welcome to the most effective lottery system on the planet! Everything you need is contained here to help increase your prize winnings in up to 9 games out of 10.
The easy 7-Step System is all you'll need to help you achieve this win rate.
Since 1991 I've proven the Silver Lotto System is the best method for increasing wins anywhere in the world.
And we have many thousands of satisfied players with multi-million dollar wins.
Just follow the easy steps here to learn how to use your Silver Lotto System and start winning.
Enjoy, and win often!
Ken Silver
Head Silverite
About The Silver Lotto System
#1. Start with the Silver Lotto System and visit the links above to learn about the System. You’ll discover how easy it is to fill out your numbers and start playing in 7 easy steps.
It'll take about 30 minutes, but this is the only time you need to work out your numbers. You won't touch them again!
#2. (WHEN AVAILABLE): Use LOTTOPREDICT before each game together with your Silver Lotto System or Custom Profiles to give you the best chance of winning faster while saving ticket money. This is the most powerful part of the System, and gives you fresh winning predictions every week.
New predictions are posted here every Monday. Members just click on the LOTTOPREDICT button to go directly to thePrediction Chart.
Go to the LOTTOPREDICT page for more information.
#3. (WHEN AVAILABLE): Buy a set of PRO Custom Profiles for your game. You get a set of four specialized Custom Profiles designed to be used with LottoPredict. These special customised Profiles will allow you to win faster and more often, and will reduce the amount you spend on tickets.
If you want more wins in less time and with less waste, this set of 4 PRO Custom Profiles is the next step for you. Completion is between 24-48 hours and it will appear in a special section in this Silver Lotto Membership Site. See the list of available games and the order links HERE.
#4. (WHEN AVAILABLE): A Single Custom Profile is perfect if you don't want to buy the full PRO Custom Profiles. It is cheaper and generally used when you don't have the time or inclination to fill out the Profile yourself from your Silver Lotto System.
A Single Custom Profile is done-for-you and saves you worry about getting the process right. You can use it with or without LottoPredict.
Now let’s get started…
1: How To Make Your Fortune With Lotto
Let's say $50 million is coming your way this week.
That's probably 100 times more than most people will ever earn in their lifetime. In fact, for most people I doubt they will NEVER get that amount by working at an ordinary job.
If you were a property owner and struck it lucky, after many years of buying, selling and skilful negotiating, you MIGHT get it from selling a few multi-tower office buildings.
Could you build another Facebook or Pinterest? Even in today's internet bonanza times, it's very unlikely you'll develop and sell a digital business at those prices.
And Facebook or Amazon is a quirk of fortune that will be hard to repeat without a lot of skill.
Only one person in many millions has the ability to be rewarded at that monetary level. So you can see the chance of getting $50 million in a lump sum through a business or any other method is almost impossible.
Thinking of gambling? Horse racing, gaming, poker... none of them bring up this kind of money. And especially not every week, or even twice a week.
The only exception is...
The lottery.
Nothing comes close to lottery jackpot and prizes for the potential to get enormous and quick rewards.
So what's that chance worth to you? How much would you spend to get it?
The crazy thing is that most players - and by that I mean 99.99% of all players - consider they would spend about $5 a game!
My surveys at the Lotto Life blog confirm that players say $5 is the most they will spend on tickets. Just $5 to be rewarded with that vast amount of hundreds of millions of dollars!
I think they've given up hope. They have lost belief. They have been sucked in by other losers who can 'prove' that everyone's chances of winning the lottery are one in many millions. And most of the world wrongly thinks that way too.
Most do - except the lottery winners.
There are millions of them every week around the world, many of who play with my System. And lottery players win millions of prizes - from a few dollars to many thousands of dollars, all the way up to the Mega Millions' record-breaking $640 million.
If you only had one way to make a fortune as large as $50 million, wouldn't you spend as much time and money as you could to achieve it? And how would you best do that?
That's why I choose the lottery for my System against other forms of lottery-style betting, such as Keno or Bingo.
It's for the huge jackpot payout. That $500 million or more that's possible.
There is also the convenience factor. The lottery is easy to enter, and the prize money ranges from $10 through to hundreds of millions in the Powerball and Mega Millions games. It is within reach.
Now is the time to decide to make winning your priority. The rewards are vast. Winning big brings you untold personal pleasure. Even the simple act of being able to do what you want, when you want, is an amazing freedom to experience.
You need the tools to strengthen your winning position, and they are here on this membership site.
Imagine the thrill of knowing the last ball rolling down the perspex tunnel on your TV screen is going to make you a millionaire. As it bounces to rest against the others on the rack, you realize your future is secure at last.
You know you’ll never need to work again. You can give yourself and your family anything you want, and still have money left over to free you from the drudgery of everyday life.
But for tens of millions of hopeful lottery players around the world each week without my System, this is just a dream. And all because their ticket number selections are based on luck, hope and superstition.
None of these approaches will help them win the life they want and deserve. But thankfully there is an answer, and it's on this site.
You are different. Because you are reading this - and intend to act on it.
How do you do it?
Use my System, and almost anyone can increase their winning odds in a big way. You truly have the potential to improve your chances and win an unlimited number of lotto division draws with my unique system.
Many years ago, I was sitting in a rented farmhouse trying to figure out how to win the lottery.
It was just a short while after becoming so broke I couldn't even afford $20 to fill my car with petrol, and one bank had closed my account because I was constantly trying to get my funds earlier by unknowingly trying another branch.
It was a dark time.
But just a couple of years later I discovered a system that gave me winnings of over $2.1 million.
By using my researched number combinations in the Silver Lotto System, I won over $2,100,000 in paper winnings in several draws. In real money I've won Division 3 and 4 for most weeks I have played, with a win rate of over 99% (that's 99 out of every 100 draws).
And many of the Silver Lotto System users get similar results. You can see a small number of them on the Testimonial page.
Players using the Silver Lotto System have won millions. This is a proven System.
The information you're about to learn shows that with my scientific approach, your chances of winning division prizes are higher than any other method I know.
You don’t have to use complex mathematics, graphs or charts to use this System, because it is set out for you in an easy-to-use format. If you don't want to fill out your System, you can buy a unique customized combination for your game from the Single Custom Profile menu.
What my System will do is help you increase your chances many times of winning in a logical, methodical, scientific way . . . rather than using a random, ever-changing number of guesses.
2: Why Other Lottery Products Fail
Some people use formulas that are as simple as seeing whether 'hot' or 'cold' balls are coming up, and then telling them to play.
Others systems compare predictors which are hot, or use wheeling indicators. Still others cross-compare predictors with some of the statistics that are available on the net.
Some of these other systems are very much more complicated and compare the ball’s frequency of hits, patterns of hits, groupings, etc. over long periods of time.
Superstition also plays a large part in the way people select their lines. For example, the numbers up to 31 are popular because people use calendar birthdates as part of their selection.
But again there is very little concrete evidence that any of these methods really work. They are based on hope, not science. You hear a lot about the tiny number of winners, but very little about the many hundreds of millions of players who use these methods and lose.
So why do people rely on lucky numbers based on their birthday, their age, the temperature and other unrelated links?
It’s all to do with trying to manipulate luck out of ignorance. And it's natural for many winners to say that they matched their win to a lucky number, rather than the true reason they won - the laws of chance. They were one in many million. After all, someone has to win.
A while back a large organised syndicate of 2,500 people got together in Australia, paid $3,000 each to enter the Virginia State Lotto. And they won $27 million. However, the payout was spread over 20 years, and was subject to tax at 34 percent.
This meant each person only received $7,128 over this time - which came down to about $29 each a month. It proved not much better than putting the money into a saving account for the same period.
All these other methods have one thing in common...they are trying to predict a random drawing that uses millions of unpredictable combinations.
What many people don’t realise is that no trend or pattern will emerge because of this very randomness. It is mathematically impossible to predict single numbers or combinations to get the jackpot.
My System works in a different way, and I'll tell you about that in the next section.
3: Your Investment Return
The ROI (Return On Investment) is enormous when you win. If the odds of winning with 1 ticket is 1 in 75 million, then the return is a 75,000,000% ROI - or something just as extreme.
The return is so great in fact, that you needn't care how much you put into the game. Because when you win, it would be paid back millions of times over.
The problem with this theory was - you had to win. And sometimes you had to keep playing before the return was realized. So this doesn't make it an 'investment' in the truest sense.
Many serious Silver Lotto System players win dozens of prizes a month. I've got the record for as many as 22 tickets in one game, and recently 15 tickets won in a single game.
Our return on investment is very, very good indeed. But for the average player who puts in $20 a game expecting a high ROI for every game, it's not going to work.
You have to look at another way of looking at your ticket purchase, and my answer is to call it an 'entry fee.'
Because the only way you can get into a game... whether it's baseball, football or a park, is with an entry fee. Whether you get value out of the event is up to many factors. But you have to take the step first.
Sometimes you don't know what your entry fee will get you.
Many players haven't figured this out yet. I know it when they email and say they 'lost' X dollars. Even though they had won prizes in those games - where ANY of the prizes could have been a jackpot prize - they didn't want to lose any money on it.
Lotto is one of the few ways you can gain the highest amount of money you will ever receive in your lifetime, and for that to happen you need a different mindset.
You should remind yourself that ticket costs are an Entry Fee, not a balance sheet accounting cost.|
Once you understand the power of the ‘entry fee’ concept, it really will affect the way you look at the whole way of playing your game.
You won't win the jackpot every week. But using my System, you can win smaller prizes that allow you to reinvest your money back into the game, so you can sit happily waiting until your numbers turn up for a major win.
It’s important to manage your funds correctly with my System. Remember, the unpredictability of number selections in the lottery means that you cannot tell when you will make a win.
You still have to live and eat while you invest, so make sure you are not risking your future security by over-committing yourself in the early stages.
• Make sure you can afford your investment. Don't overspend.
• Ask yourself why you are doing it. For many lottery professionals, it is the Jackpot that is the driving force in their lotto investment. They are prepared to spend years to win, and you need to think the same way if you are serious about winning.
• Set a time for your investment. You may consider investing for three months, six months, a year or longer. But it is important to remember that persistence plays a very important part on the road to regular winnings. Don't give up too soon.
Many of your wins under my system will be regular. Take them as an added bonus, but avoid the temptation to put your winnings back into a larger number of tickets.
The probability of hitting the jackpot will not be increased if you spend thousands of dollars a game.
If you need to reinvest, you would be wise to put the win away in a savings account and draw from it to make your continuing weekly lotto investment. The secret is to play regularly, rather than spend your funds all at once.
In any business or venture, the most profits come from steady, persistent work towards a defined goal. Investing in the lottery with my System is no different. Don't spend a large sum on tickets in a very short time.
My theories show that a longer period of reasonable investment is the best way to win.
4: The Silver Lotto System Explained
A simple way to understand the Silver Lotto System goes like this:
Imagine being on a front lawn, blindfolded, and asked to hammer in 40 wooden stakes at random. These are your ticket numbers. Because you're blindfolded, you cannot tell where you place the stakes. You can't tell what pattern they're in either.
Then imagine another person is also blindfolded standing at the edge. They start throwing 6 horseshoes in the direction of your lawn with its stakes. That's the 6 ball draw taking place.
The horseshoes will land in a scattered pattern around your stakes. Some will hit them - some will land over the fence.
The chances of the horseshoes hitting the stakes are reasonably high because they are being thrown inside the front lawn, and not down the next street or on the far block.
But what if every time the person threw a horseshoe, you were told to pull all the stakes out and place them somewhere else . . . even in the lawn in the next city!
You would have to admit there would be almost no chance of a stake being hit by the horseshoe.
This way of playing is exactly what happens to the average weekly lotto player.
Most players take different numbers in each game. Sometimes they choose these numbers themselves, but most people take computer QuickPicks generated at the lottery store. For them, the game is a losing proposition because they have no control over any part of it.
That's because:
There is a changing number of horseshoes (winning numbers) being thrown each time at...
a number of constantly-moving stakes (your ticket numbers) in...
a large number of front lawns (different weekly draws).
Can you see how impossible it is to hit the target?
So what's the answer?
Well, we can change our odds if we try and pin a few of these changing, movable options down. That will increase our winning opportunities.
That's part of the real secret to the Silver Lotto System.
Even knowing that we have no control over which winning draw numbers will roll out of the barrel each week, we can control where we put our stakes (tickets).
In other words, you know there are large areas all around where you could have planted your stakes, but you choose instead to keep them in one area and reduce the odds.
You can't change any of the other factors, so this going to be the only way to control your part of the game. There's more to playing the lottery, however, and many people don't realize it is a game of the mind as much as chance.
Successful players only need to know a few skills to get them to the top. You can lose your shirt, but with these few traits in place, you can succeed again. These are the main ones I use:
~ Persistence
~ Positivity
~ Percentage
#1. Persistence
Persistence is the single most important trait any player can develop - and in any other part of life too.
I know a lot of failures... people who just haven't won lottery prizes at the level they want. And their problem is that they give up too soon. When they come up against an obstacle, they might take another attempt or two, and then give up.
The most frequent winners are those who PERSIST. I had a week recently when I didn't win a single cent. It upset me because too many of those and I'd have to downgrade my win rating from 98-99% to a lower figure.
So I was temporarily depressed. But I played again and the following game I was back on track again with a handful of winning tickets. If I had given up at that point I never would have known success. Persistence pays off.
#2. Positivity
Staying positive keeps you playing. And that's the most important part of winning the lotto - taking part! Without your "entry fee" - the tickets you buy to get into the game - you don't even get to the starting grid.
By being positive, you energize the players around you. Lotto is not a solitary game... it is meant to be enjoyed by many people. So gather everyone together around the tv when the game is drawn, and make a social occasion of it.
Notice how the reinforcing effect is keeping you interested, and PLAYING.
Remember that a percentage of your play money goes to worthy causes. Clubs, charities, volunteer organizations... they all benefit from your generosity. And if you believe in karma - the attitude that what you give out will always come back manyfold, then that's your reward.
#3. Percentages
Luck is just a percentage. It means that the more you do... the more action steps you take towards winning... the more you'll succeed.
The more games you can play, the more chances you'll have to be successful. When I first started my Silver Lotto System, I played 10 tickets a game. I got great results, wins in many games, but not at the level I wanted.
Then I found when I increased the number of tickets, the number of winnings increased also. Now it's up to 99% win rate using PRO... which means almost every game produces a winner or more for me. All because I increased the percentage of times and games I played.
With all these 3 traits you can be successful in the lottery and in life. My favorite is Persistence.... everything I've succeeded in is because of this personality trait.
When you're positive, play more and persist - you can laugh all the way to the bank!
I'm amazed at how winning the lottery and being successful in real life are so similar. They both use the same skills.
Here's a selection of questions players have asked me over the years about how to improve their winning percentages:
1) "How can I win more often?"
The lottery is just numbers. Play more, win more. But don't make the mistake that most people do... because they are on a budget they play with fewer tickets.
You should always try to play with the maximum number of tickets you can afford in each game. Wait a few weeks if you need to, so you can get the maximum number of tickets. If you want to see how you can play 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines, go here: Winner's Circle.
2) "How can I win faster?"
Concentrate on one game only. You won't have the same success if you dilute your money over several games. A single-minded purpose is the secret of many winners.
3) "How can I win more regularly?"
I developed LottoPredict just for that. This subscription service predicts when you should play, with a simple red and green 'traffic light' system. It's on your menu bar above.
4) "I want to get bigger prizes."
One obvious way is to enter the games that have higher payouts. But of course, this generally means that they have lower win odds because they have larger numbers and balls.
I generally don't recommend that you play the large ball/number games unless you use PRO Custom Profiles which I developed especially for that.
5) "I'm on a budget and want to spend less on each game."
Money tight at the moment? My System is designed so that you can play a small number of lines and still have an excellent chance of reducing your odds.
There is no set number or situation, but what the System does is bring you into the area of high wins for very little money.
You can reduce your outgoings by:
a) playing less often.
b) spending less in each game.
5: The Secret Behind The Numbers
How the Silver Lotto System works…
Simply put, one of the main factors of the Silver Lotto System is not moving the position of your stakes - your lotto numbers. You select a series of carefully chosen linked numbers - your stakes.
Then without making any alterations to them over a period of time, you wait for the lotto balls (horseshoes) to be 'thrown' at them.
Mathematically you have improved your winning chances considerably. This makes this system quite different to many others which tend to concentrate on unrealistic patterns and repetition trends.
But this is not all that is needed to make this System a workable and successful one. There are other conditions just as important that are needed which I have called Key Factors.
NOTE: You don't need to know about these Factors for filling in your coupons, but this is a handy background.
There are 4 Key Factors to be used in the the System. These 4 determine how your winning numbers may come up. (This is NOT the complete System secret - there is much more that I'm keeping in the bank vault!)
These Factors are based on my analysis and generalisations of probability, and the proven results from a large number of games. Together they work to increase again the chances of a closer winning estimate.
There are other factors that are also important, but I have chosen to highlight these simpler ones here.
The 4 Key Factors:
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