Silver Lotto

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Million Dollar Hot Lotto Winning Couple Give Bonus To Tearful Store Clerk

Store clerk Sanita Rouse talks about her generous bonus from the Hot Lotto Winners on Wednesday. Video: Fox 9 News

The Meaths, a Minnesota couple, won the $11.7 million Hot Lotto jackpot last week. And on Wednesday they used their good fortune to make someone very happy.

The clerk that sold the couple the winning ticket got a special surprise.

Sanita Rouse is a high school senior, and when she was called in to work for a 4 pm meeting, she wasn't exactly expecting to hear good news.

"I was like, 'I'm getting fired!'" she told Fox 9 News. "So, the entire way here -- and I got here at like 3:20 p.m. -- and I was like, 'Well, if she's gonna fire me, she'll fire me.'"

Although she thought she was in trouble, her worries didn't linger for long.

The Meaths collect their $11.7M check on their winning presentation day.

Winner Joe Meath finally said, 'You know, you sold me the winning lottery ticket on Saturday,' and I didn't even let him finish. I broke down in tears."

Rouse learned she will receive a piece of the winnings. Joe and Rhonda Meath are giving her $15,000 to be put toward college.

"I couldn't be more grateful," Rouse said. "it's crazy and overwhelming and it's a blessing. It really is."

Joe Meath said he always intended to pass along some of his good fortune.

"I was going to give her something anyway, but a little more to help her out to persuade her to go to school," Joe Meath explained.

As for the Meaths, they may be millionaires, but they say nothing's really changed.

In fact, Joe bought another lottery ticket for Wednesday night's Hot Lotto drawing at the store.

Story: Fox 9 News