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How This Blunt Talking Millionaire Got Rid Of People He Didn't Like

Here's a little story about the use of money, and how some people cope with wealth in very different ways. Keep it in mind for your own big win.


I once spoke with a very wealthy man, a property investor I had known for a few years. The topic came round to spending money, and he told me a curious story that has made me think about buying expensive possessions ever since.

He told me he once bought a large yacht to use round his lakeside holiday home, but sold it a short time after. He would never buy one again.

The problem was not the boat - a lavish and sleek model that slept 7 in extreme comfort like the model pictured below. But the company he kept.

Marquis 420

His problem, this tycoon said in his characteristic blunt manner, was that if he didn't get on with any of the people he invited out on to the water, he was stuck with them. He couldn't get rid of them and was forced to endure the situation until they docked.

So he sold the boat, took back control of his life and rid himself of his 'problem.'

It was a unique and interesting situation that had never crossed my mind, until then.

But then, this was a man who in his early days of property buying, found that he couldn't sell a house because of the constant barking dog next door.

No-one wanted the noise. So he paid the owner a huge sum to buy the dog, gave it to a caring home far away, and sold the house the next day.

Money can solve some problems, like the dog, but not the people that come with it.