Silver Lotto

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The iPad and iPhone Party Started Without Me, But I'm Not Worried

I've just ordered two new Apple products to replace my old ones. I'm changing out my iPhone 4S and iPad2 for an iPhone 5S and iPad Air.

So why have I waited several months after their launch to update these? And what if The Next Big Thing is announced by Apple shortly, and I've spent all that money on outdated equipment?

My old iPad 2, still going strong - but I need a change.

Before I answer that, let me tell you how I buy stuff.

I used to be an early adopter. The Apple Newton MessagePad? I had one a few weeks after they came out back in 1993.

Here it is, 20 years later...

It was a unique product, but didn't work that well.

I had the Macintosh Plus in the mid-80's - and bought several of these iconic computers for my newspaper business.

And the list goes on. So why am I late to the party on these current buys?

The way I buy now is the same way I build my products. I wait until they're ready and fully tested.

That applies also to my Silver Lotto System, LottoPredict and PRO... I don't release any versions of them until all the problems are ironed out.

Of course, the bugs are well gone, 23 years later. And the System continues to make friends and money in equal amounts today. That's what happens when you marry a good concept with quality delivery.

And the iPhone and iPad? I'm looking forward to getting them - they'll be here in a few days. And I'm guessing, like my System, they will be fault-free and raring to go!